SoKor Nation's Little Sister

Nation's Sweetheart

Lee Ji Eun

Now a K-pop superstar known as the ‘nation’s sweetheart’, IU had to overcome numerous hardships on the way up – from relatives who mocked her dreams, through to 20 failed auditions before she found an agent.

Welcome to Aiyu

UAENAS: Stanning IU

“You”(U) is from English, “ae”(爱) is Sino-Korean for “love”, and “na”(나) is Korean for “me”. IU's fancafe used to be called Uaena and over time, IU fans were called uaenas.

IU's self-composed UAENA song.

Some Maaena lead supporters
The Lightsticks
A Genius Lyricist

"IU is, undeniably, one of Korea’s most successful singer songwriters yet."